Türkçe English

Dr. Ali Acar

Ali Acar

Fields of Work

  • Human Rights
  • Individual application mechanism before the Constitutional Court
  • Adminitrative Law


  • LL.B: Ankara University Faculty of Law (2002)
  • B.A. in Sociology: Ankara University Faculty of Languages, History and Geography (2007)
  • M.A. in Sociology of Law: Onati International Institute for the Sociology of Law (2007, Spain)
  • LL.M in Comparative, European and International Laws: European University Institute Department of Law (2009, Florence/ Italy)
  • PhD in Law: European University Institute Department of Law (2015, Florence/ Italy)
  • B.A. in German Language and Literature: Hacettepe University Faculty of Literature (2019-cont.)

Work Experiences

  • Advocate Training: Ankara Bar Association (Nov. 2002-Nov. 2003)
  • Research Assistant: Ankara University Faculty of Law  (Sept. 2004-  Oct. 2005)
  • Assistant Expert: The Legal Affairs Department, Turkish Scientific and Technological Researach Council (TUBITAK) (Dec. 2006-Aug. 2008)
  • Researach Assitant: Cankaya Ünivesitesi Faculty of Law (June 2011- Aug. 2015)
  • Assisant Professor: Cankaya Üniversitesi Faculty of Law (Aug. 2018-Cont.)


  • English
  • German
  • Italian
  • French

Some of Academic and Other Published Works

  • “A View on the Future of Judicial Review of Constitutional Amendments in Turkey: An Invitation to Judicial Dialogue”, European Journal of Law Reform, Lech Garlicki-Yaniv Roznai (eds.) 2019, Vol. 21, Issue 3, s. 291-312.
  • “On Yaniv Roznai’s Theory of Substantive Unamendability”, European Constitutional Law Review, 2017, Vol. 13, Issue 4, s. 836-848.
  • “Anayasa Mahkemesi’nin Anayasa Madde 90/5 Hakkındaki Zımni İlga Tespiti ve İnsan Haklarına Dayalı (Yeni Bir) Yargısal Denetim”, Anayasa Hukuku Dergisi, Cilt. 6, Sayı. 11, 2017, s. 137-190.
  • “Tension in the Turkish Constitutional Democracy: Legal Theory, Constitutional Review and Democracy”, Ankara Law Review, Vol. 6, No. 2, 2009, s. 141-173.


  • Çağımızın Yasama ve Hukuk Bilimi Konusundaki Görevi Üzerine, Pinhan Yay., İstanbul, 2018 [Friedrich Carl von Savigny, Vom Beruf unserer Zeit für Gesetzgebung und Rechtswissenschaft, Zweite, vermehrte Auflage, Heidelberg: J.C.B. Mohr, 1828].
  • “Adalet Nedir?” Türkiye Barolar Birliği Dergisi, Yıl. 26, Sayı. 107 (Temmuz-Ağustos), 2013, s. 432-454, [Hans Kelsen, What is Justice? First Chapter of Justice, Law, and Politics in the Mirror of Science Collected Essays, (University of California Press: Berkeley and Los Angeles), 1960, s. 1-24].

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