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  • 2007 The Chief Editor for “Turkish Criminal Policy and Criminology”, written by Prof. Dr. M.T. YÜCEL, Union of Turkish Bar Associations, Ankara/TURKEY
  • 2008 The Chief Editor for “Effectiveness of Justice in Turkey”, written by Prof. Dr. M.T. YÜCEL, Union of Turkish Bar Associations, Ankara/TURKEY
  • 2011 The Chief Editor for “Judicial Reform and Democracy” written by Prof. Dr. M.T. Yücel, Ankara/TURKEY
  • 2017 The Chief Editor for “Family Mediation” written by Lisa Parkinson
  • 2000 An Article on “Judgment of Council of State related to Closed Banks belongs to Turkish SDIF” International Bar Association Journal (Nov.,2000)
  • 2009 An Article on “Prevention of Financial Crimes and Money Laundering” of “UIA Juriste International.” (2009.2)
  • 2011 An Article on “Who Should Regulate the Regulators” Ankara Bar Review, Jan,2011
  • 2013 “ An Article on “Directors Remuneration Policies and Other Compliances – General Economic Banking View” Ankara Bar Review Vol.1.
  • 2014 An Article on “Mediation in Turkey” – “Juriste International” (2014.1)
  • 2020 April An Article on “Reflection of Singapore Convention on to Turkish Law” Legal Law Journal, Vol.4
  • 2020 May An Article on “Reflections on Singapore Convention on Mediation within the shadow of Covid -19 Pandemic”, Publication on FICM Media (Online Publication towards international mediation and arbitration)
  • 2020 Nov An Article on “Reflections on Singapore Convention on Mediation”, UIA Juriste International, (2020.3)
  • 2022 Oct The Chief Editor and one of authors for “ Colective Authors Book on Commercial Mediation in the Digital Era”, UIA-Lexis Nexis Publications Collection, Book# 11, Paris.