Türkçe English

Yonca Fatma YÜCEL - Att. At

Yonca Fatma Yücel

Short CV Özgeçmiş & Academic Career

1993-1994 Ankara University Law School Banking and Commercial Institute- Master degree in Commercial Law.
1994-2000 Senior lawyer at Development and Investment Bank of Turkey.
2000 Nov. 2020 Aug. 18 Chief senior specialist in law/Attorney at law at BRSA.
1998 The Turkish President of WIG of IBA
1999 The Turkish Representative of Confederation des Femmes Avocats du Mediterrane
2007-2012 President of Turkish National Committee of UIA
2013-2017 Dec. Counselor to the UIA President
2015-2019 UIA Governing Board Member and Web Administrator of UIA Committee on Banking and Financial Services
2016-2020 Jan. Secretary of UIA Committee on Mediation and Conflict Prevention
2019 UIA Vice President of Committee on Banking and Financial Services
2020 May Editor of Journal on FICM Media at Federation of Integrated Conflict Management FICM
2020 Nov. Counselor to the UIA President
2017 Mediation trainer accredited by European Counsel
2017 Nov. Workload mediator accredited by Turkish MOJ
2020 April “Master Class Certificate” for Commercial Mediation accredited by ADR-ODR International
2020 May “Master Class Certificate on Embodying Emotional Intelligence/CiQ and Neuroscience” by ADR-ODR International –Claris Coaching
2020 June International Business Coaching Trainee by WBECS Group
2020 Dec. Acc Banking and Finance Mediator.
2021 Feb. Acc. Commercial Mediator.
2020 Nov. Acc. Banking and Finance Mediation Trainer.
2021 Jan. Achievement Certificate on Arbitration by ISTAC
2021 Feb. Lecturer on LLM Program on Banking Law at İstanbul Gedik University Law Faculty
2021 Dec. Acc. Consumer Mediation Trainer
2022 Jan. IMI Certified Mediator
2022 June. Acc. Insurance Mediator
2022 Sept. Listed Mediator at GIDI
2022 Oct. Lecturer on LLM Program on Digital Finance Law İstanbul Gedik University Law Faculty.